Why We Do Hyungs

Forms training is both an application of Tang Soo Do fighting techniques and an artistic expression of those techniques. It has internal (Neh Gung) as well as external (Weh Gung) attributes and benefits. Internally, we are exercising the vital organs and developing internal energy and power (Ki) through proper breathing. Externally we learn how to control that power in the execution of the physical techniques in increasingly complex patterns against multiple opponents.
As an art form, hyung practice should demonstrate not only the fighting applications from a technical aspect, but also the artistry of good presentation, and that requires more than just exhibiting strong fighting skills. That aspect is a function of the mental and spiritual (Shim Gung) state of the practitioner.
In practicing forms, or learning a new one, it is useful to break the form down into components, working on different ones individually and then adding them together. Phase 1 can be considered the basic, or rough draft stage while Phase 2 adds more ingredients that help the form take shape and strengthen it. Phase 3 can be considered the "polishing" phase where refinement of the form takes place.

How to Use This Site

All forms that have currently been typed up are below, they have been split into 4/5 move chunks representing how we recommend you learn them (i.e. practise chunk 1, then 1+2, then 1+2+3 etc.) If you click the button with your belt on it, you will see a list of all the new hyungs needed for that belt. If a hyung has been added, you can click the hyung to be automatically sent to it.
If there is a hyung you would like to be added, you are more than welcome to write a description.

Ki Cho Hyung Il Bu

1. Turn 90° to the left into left front stance, low block with left hand.
2. Step forwards into right front stance, middle punch with your right hand.
3. Look over your right shoulder, turn 180° to your right into right front stance, low block with your right hand.
4. Step forwards into left front stance, middle punch with your left hand.
5. Turn 90° to your left into back stance.
6. Step forward, front kick (back stance).
7. Step forward, front kick (back stance).
8. Step forward, front kick (back stance), Ki Hap.
9. Look over left shoulder, turn 270° to the left into left front stance, low block with left hand.
10. Step forwards into right front stance, middle punch with your right hand.
11. Look over your right shoulder, turn 180° to your right into right front stance, low block with your right hand.
12. Step forwards into left front stance, middle punch with your left hand.
13. Turn 90° to your left into back stance.
14. Step forward, front kick (back stance).
15. Step forward, front kick (back stance).
16. Step forward, front kick (back stance), Ki Hap.
17. Look over left shoulder, turn 270° to the left into left front stance, low block with left hand.
18. Step forwards into right front stance, middle punch with your right hand.
19. Look over your right shoulder, turn 180° to your right into right front stance, low block with your right hand.
20. Step forwards into left front stance, middle punch with your left hand.

Ki Cho Hyung Ee Bu

1. Turn 90° to the left into left front stance, high block with left hand.
2. Step forwards into right front stance, high punch with your right hand.
3. Look over your right shoulder, turn 180° to your right into right front stance, high block with your right hand.
4. Step forwards into left front stance, high punch with your left hand.
5. Turn 90° to your left into back stance.
6. Step forward, side kick (back stance).
7. Step forward, side kick (back stance).
8. Step forward, side kick (back stance), Ki Hap.
9. Look over left shoulder, turn 270° to the left into left front stance, high block with left hand.
10. Step forwards into right front stance, high punch with your right hand.
11. Look over your right shoulder, turn 180° to your right into right front stance, high block with your right hand.
12. Step forwards into left front stance, high punch with your left hand.
13. Turn 90° to your left into back stance.
14. Step forward, side kick (back stance).
15. Step forward, side kick (back stance).
16. Step forward, side kick (back stance), Ki Hap.
17. Look over left shoulder, turn 270° to the left into left front stance, high block with left hand.
18. Step forwards into right front stance, high punch with your right hand.
19. Look over your right shoulder, turn 180° to your right into right front stance, high block with your right hand.
20. Step forwards into left front stance, high punch with your left hand.

Ki Cho Hyung Sam Bu

1. Turn 90° to the left into left front stance, inside to outside block with left hand.
2. Step forwards into right front stance, middle punch with your right hand.
3. Look over your right shoulder, turn 180° to your right into right front stance, inside to outside block with your right hand.
4. Step forwards into left front stance, middle punch with your left hand.
5. Turn 90° to your left into back stance.
6. Step forward, roundhouse kick (back stance).
7. Step forward, roundhouse kick (back stance).
8. Step forward, roundhouse kick (back stance), Ki Hap.
9. Look over left shoulder, turn 270° to the left into left front stance, inside to outside block with left hand.
10. Step forwards into right front stance, middle punch with your right hand.
11. Look over your right shoulder, turn 180° to your right into right front stance, inside to outside block with your right hand.
12. Step forwards into left front stance, middle punch with your left hand.
13. Turn 90° to your left into back stance.
14. Step forward, roundhouse kick (back stance).
15. Step forward, roundhouse kick (back stance).
16. Step forward, roundhouse kick (back stance), Ki Hap.
17. Look over left shoulder, turn 270° to the left into left front stance, inside to outside block with left hand.
18. Step forwards into right front stance, middle punch with your right hand.
19. Look over your right shoulder, turn 180° to your right into right front stance, inside to outside block with your right hand.
20. Step forwards into left front stance, middle punch with your left hand.

Pyung Ahn Cho Dan

1. Turn 90° to the left into left front stance, low block with left hand.
2. Step forward into right front stance, middle punch with right hand.
3. Turn 180° to the right into right front stance, low block with right hand.
4. Slide right foot back into left back stance while disengaging right fist, back fist with right hand.
5. Step forward into left front stance, middle punch with left hand.
6. Turn 90° to the left into left front stance, low block with left hand.
7. Without stepping, outward knife-hand block with left hand.
8. Step forward into right front stance, high block with right hand.
9. Step forward into left front stance, high block with left hand.
10. Step forward into right front stance, high block with right hand. Ki Hap!
11. Turn 270° to the left into left front stance, low block with left hand.
12. Step forward into right front stance, middle punch with right hand.
13. Turn 180° to the right into right front stance, low block with right hand.
14. Step forward into left front stance, middle punch with left hand.
15. Turn 90° to the left into left front stance, low block with left hand.
16. Step forward into right front stance, middle punch with right hand.
17. Step forward into left front stance, middle punch with left hand.
18. Step forward into right front stance, middle punch with right hand. Ki Hap!
19. Turn 270° to the left into right back stance (left foot forward), double low knife-hand block to the left.
20. Turn 45° to the right stepping into left back stance (right foot forward), double low knife-hand block to the right.
21. Turn 135° to the right into left back stance (right foot forward), double low knife-hand block to the right.
22. Turn 45° to the left stepping into right back stance (left foot forward), double low knife-hand block to the left.

Pyung Ahn Ee Dan

1. Slide left foot to right foot, bring fists into check position on left hip. Step out to left side with left foot into right back stance, side middle block with left hand, high block with right hand.
2. Without stepping, draw back right hand and upper cut, pulling left hand toward body in a guard.
3. Draw left hand back to left hip, slide left foot out into side stance and side punch with left hand.
4. Turn 180° to the right sliding left foot to right and stepping out into left back stance, side middle block with right hand, high block with left hand.
5. Without stepping, draw back left hand and upper cut, pulling left hand toward body in a guard.
6. Draw right hand back to right hip, slide right foot out into side stance and side punch with right hand.
7. Slide left foot to right foot, facing up the centre bar, bring both fists to right hip then swap fists to left hip while lifting right leg to 90°. Pivot and side kick with right foot to the right (hands in side kick guard position).
8. Set right foot down next to left foot, step out with left foot up the centre bar into right back stance, double high knife hand block to left side.
9. Step forward into left back stance, double high knife hand block to right side.
10. Step forward into right back stance, double high knife hand block to left side.
11. Blocking solar plexus with left palm, step forward into right front stance, spear hand with right hand. Ki Hap!
12. Turn 270° to the left into right back stance, double high knife hand block to the left side.
13. Turn 45° to the right, stepping into left back stance, double high knife hand block to the right side.
14. Turn 225° to the right, stepping into left back stance, double high knife hand block to the right side.
15. Turn 45° to the left, stepping into right back stance, double high knife hand block to the left side.
16. Turn 45° to the left, pivoting into left front stance, twist and duck body while executing a "scooping" middle block with right hand.
17. Step foreward, front kick with right foot.
18. As the right foot sets down into right front stance, middle punch with left hand.
19. Without stepping, twist and duck body while executing a "scooping" middle block with left hand.
20. Step foreward, front kick with left foot.
21. As the left foot sets down into left front stance, middle punch with right hand.
22. Jump foreward into right front stance, reinfored inside to outside block with right arm. Ki Hap!
23. Turn 270° to the left into left front stance, low block with left hand.
24. Without stepping, middle knife hand block with left hand.
25. Turn 45° to the right, stepping into right front stance, high block with right hand.
26. Turn 225° to the right into right front stance, low block with right hand.
27. Without stepping, middle knife hand block with right hand.
28. Turn 45° to the left, stepping into left front stance, high block with left hand.

Pyung Ahn Sam Dan

1. Turn 90° to the left into right back stance, side middle block with the left hand.
2. Bring right foot next to left, windmill block (low block with left hand, middle block with right hand).
3. Without stepping reverse windmill block (low block with right hand, middle block with left hand).
4. Turn 180° to the right into left back stance, side middle block with the right hand.
5. Bring left foot next to right, windmill block (low block with right hand, middle block with left hand).
6. Without stepping reverse windmill block (low block with left hand, middle block with right hand).
7. Turn 90° to the left into left front stance, augmented middle block (middle block with left hand, solar plexus guard with right hand so that the right fist rests against the left elbow "augmenting" the block).
8. Step forward into right front stance, solar plexus guard palm down with left hand, solar plexus spear with right hand.
9. Pivot on the right foot 270° to the left into left side stance (facing up centre bar) guarding kidneys and back with right hand during the pivot, hammer strike with left hand.
10. Step forward into right front stance, middle punch with right hand. Ki Hap!
11. Slide right foot in front of left foot, pivot on the right foot 180° to the right, bring left foot next to right, double elbow strike to rear. (Facing down the centre bar)
12. Inward crescent sweep with right foot down centre bar.
13. Set right foot down into right side stance, elbow block inward with right elbow (fists planted on hips).
14. Without stepping, back fist strike with right hand and return hand to hip.
15. Inward crescent sweep with left foot down centre bar.
16. Set left foot down into left side stance, elbow block inward with left elbow (fists planted on hips).
17. Without stepping, back fist strike with left hand and return hand to hip.
18. Inward crescent sweep with right foot down centre bar.
19. Set right foot down into right side stance, elbow block inward with right elbow (fists planted on hips).
20. Without stepping, back fist strike with right hand and return hand to hip.
21. Step forward into left front stance, middle punch with left hand. Ki Hap!
22. Bring right foot up to end bar in side stance facing down the centre bar. Pivot on right foot 180° to the left into side stance facing up the centre bar, elbow strike to rear with left hand, punch over left shoulder with right hand.
23. Shuffle right in side stance, elbow strike to rear with right hand, punch over right shoulder with left hand.

Pyung Ahn Sah Dan

1. Slide left foot to right foot, bring knife hands into check position on left hip. Step out to left side with left foot into right back stance, knife hand block with left hand, knife hand high block with right hand. All motions under tension!
2. Turn 180° to the right sliding left foot to right and stepping out into left back stance, knife hand block with right hand, knife hand high block with left hand. All motions under tension!
3. Slide right foot to left foot, step forward into left front stance, low X-Block with fists from right shoulder, right hand on top.
4. Step forward into right front stance, augmented middle block (middle block with right hand, solar plexus guard with left hand so that the left fist rests against the right elbow "augmenting" the block ).
5. Bring both fists to left hip, transfer fists to right hip while lifting left leg to 90°, Side kick with left foot to left side, hands in side kick guard position.
6. Set foot down into left front stance (still facing the side), elbow strike with right elbow into left palm.
7. Step back onto centre bar into left back stance, slide left foot to right and bring both fists to right hip, transfer fists to left hip while lifting right leg to 90°.
8. Side kick with right foot to right side, hands in side kick guard position.
9. Set foot down into right front stance (still facing the side), elbow strike with left elbow into right palm.
10. Without stepping, knife hand high block with right hand in front of body, knife hand low block with left hand to left side of body (looking up the centre bar).
11. Pivot into left front stance facing up the centre bar, knife hand high block with left hand, inward knife hand strike with right hand.
12. High front kick with right foot.
13. Without setting the kicking foot down, jump forward into twisted stance (right foot flat and pointing forward, ball of left foot resting on the ground to the right of the right foot), back fist strike with right hand. Ki Hap!
14. Turn 225° to the left, drawing hands to chest in X-Block. Under tension, slide left foot out into left front stance, double "spreading" middle block with hands, invert right fist so palm faces up.
15. High front kick with right foot, withdrawing right hand to hip.
16. Set kicking foot down into right front stance, middle punch with right hand.
17. Without stepping, middle punch with left hand.
18. Turn 90° to the right, drawing hands to chest in X-Block. Under tension, slide right foot out into right front stance, double "spreading" middle block with hands, invert left fist so palm faces up.
19. High front kick with left foot, withdrawing left hand to hip.
20. Set kicking foot down into left front stance, middle punch with left hand.
21. Without stepping, middle punch with right hand.
22. Turn 45° to the left into right back stance, augmented block to left side (middle block with left hand, guard with right hand).
23. Step forward into left back stance, augmented block to right side.
24. Step forward into right back stance, augmented block to left side.
25. Slide left foot forward into left front stance, reach up with both hands to "grab" at neck level. Bring hand down as the right knee comes up. Ki Hap!
26. Set down right foot and turn 225° to the left into right back stance, double high knife hand block to the left side.
27. Turn 90° to the right stepping into left back stance, double high knife hand block to the right side.

Pyung Ahn Oh Dan

1. Turn 90° to the left into right back stance, side middle block to the left side.
2. Without stepping, punch across body to left side with right hand and withdraw left fist to left hip.
3. Slide left foot to right foot (turning feet to face up centre bar again), punch across body to right side with left hand and withdraw right fist to right hip.
4. Turn 90° to the right into left back stance, side middle block to the right side.
5. Without stepping, punch across body to right side with left hand and withdraw right fist to right hip.
6. Slide right foot to left foot (turning feet to face up centre bar again), punch across body to left side with right hand and withdraw left fist to left hip.
7. Step forward into right front stance, augmented block (middle block with right hand, solar plexus guard with left hand so that the left fist rests against the right elbow "augmenting" the block).
8. Step forward into left front stance, low fisted X-Block (right hand over left).
9. Without stepping, bring both fist back and high knife-hand X-Block (right hand over left).
10. Rotate hands keeping wrists together so that the left hand is on top, clench fists and draw hands to right hip, while keeping the same stance.
11. Outward knife-hand strike off shoulder with left hand.
12. Set right foot down into right front stance, middle punch with right hand. Ki Hap!
13. Pivot on left foot 180° to the left, stomping into side stance on the center bar, low block to the right side with the right hand (focus eyes down the center bar).
14. Without stepping, turn focus to the left, side outward knife-hand strike to the left side with the left hand.
15. Inward crescent kick with right foot into left hand.
16. Set kicking foot down into side stance moving up the center bar, elbow strike with right elbow into left palm.
17. Step up the center bar with left into twisted stance (left foot crossing behind right), back fist strike with right hand.
18. Hop into the air, uncrossing feet and land in right back stance facing down the center bar, double upper cut to rear.
19. Jump down the center bar (leading with right knee). Land by setting your feet in left tiger stance and crouching, low fisted X-Block between knees.
20. Stand and pivot into right front stance, middle block with right hand and middle punch with left hand. Ki Hap!
21. Turn 180° to the left into left front stance, low spear hand "grab" with right hand (left hand guarding over chest).
22. Withdraw into right back stance, back fist strike to rear with right hand and low block with left hand.
23. Bring left foot back next to right foot (so both feet are pointing to the right side), then twist body 180° to the left into twisted stance, double side middle block (side middle block with both hands).
24. Step forward into right front stance, low spear hand "grab" with left hand (right hand guarding over chest).
25. Withdraw into left back stance, back fist strike to rear with left hand and low block with right hand.
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