Rules in the Dojang

General Rules

1. Keep your Do Bohk and body clean
2. Do not eat or chew gum while practicing
3. Keep your toenails and fingernails trimmed properly
4. If watching a class and at all other times, move and talk quietly so as not to disturb a class in session
5. Volunteer to keep the Dojang clean. Students are expected to spend at least a few minutes cleaning after each class. Please show initiative.
6. Do not wait to be asked to pay your dues on time. However, if you are unable to pay on time, speak privately with your instructor before your dues are late, and continue to attend training
7. Respect the Dojang, its instructors, and your fellow students; they make your training possible
8. Treat others the way you wish to be treated

Dojang Etiquette

1. Etiquette is not simply tradition, it is part of your practise
2. Bow when entering and leaving the Dojang. Bow to Instructor when entering and leaving the mat
3. Remove shoes (if they are not martial arts shoes) before training in the Dojang
4. Address the senior students (dan ranks), or anyone teaching a class as Sir/Ma'am or instuctor
5. A few minutes before the start of class, line up quietly waiting for your instructor to begin. Bow to each other and then to your instructor before the initial exercises
6. If you are late for class, change quickly, bow upon entering the practise area, and wait until your instructor gives you permission to join the class
7. Bow to your instructor when called upon to assist in demonstrating a technique; bow again when done
8. If you need to leave the practice area for any reason, bow and thank your partner, and then ask your instructor’s permission to be excused
9. Do not talk while your instructor is teaching or demonstrating

During the Class


Although your instructor will run through some basic warmups with you, there is no reason not to warm yourself up before a class as well. Particularly if you carry an injury.

Entering the Dojang

Students entering, in either Do Bohk/Gi or street clothes, should bow to the instructor on the floor as soon as they enter the Dojang. This will be done without exception. The student does not have to wait for the instructor to acknowledge the bow if the instructor is busy.

Starting the Class

Students will line up according to rank and seniority. The higher-ranking member will be on the right. The instructor will take a position in the front centre of the class. The highest-ranking member in the class will call the commands:

1. Class Cha Ryut (attention)
2. Sah Bum Nim E Kyung Yet (bow to Instructor)
During the class

Proper respect and discipline shall be maintained always and Tang Soo Do ritual should be followed in a uniform manner. When the chief instructor of the school or a high-ranking guest enters the dojang, the instructor on the floor or highest ranking member in the class should call the class to attention and have the class bow. After respect has been paid the class should return to training immediately.

When a student must leave the class, he/she should first receive permission from the instructor.

Dismissing the Class

As in the beginning of the class, students line up according to rank. The senior member gives the following commands:

1. Class Cha Ryut (attention)
2. Sah Bum Nim E Kyung Yet (bow to Instructor)
3. Yu Dan/Gup Ja E Kyung Yet (bow to Senior Black Belt/Gup)
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