Club Documents

What's on This Page?

On this page you will find any documents about the clubs or by the instructors, such as: past essays, risk assessments, AGM minutes, etc.

To view a document, click either the icon or the download button to view a copy on your machine.

Dan Grading Essays

.pdf file

Leadership in Martial Arts

-Sbn Alan

In this essay, Sbn Alan discusses different forms of leadership and how a good instructor should utilise a mixture of multiple styles according to the situation.

.pdf file

The Ageing Martial Artist - How to Age with Tang Soo Do

-Sbn Simon

In this essay, Sbn Simon reflects upon his journey with martial arts, covering not just our Tang Soo Doo club, but others from his past. Alongside his reflection are a series of lesson he has learnt and imparts to a reader to help at any stage of their own martial arts journey.

.pdf file

Sword Material Selection and Processing - A Modern Engineering Perspective

-Sbn Dom

In this essay, Sbn Dom discusses the factors that affect sword production, going into detail about how the properties of metal affect the forging process and how to select the best metal for the job.



To download a form, click the pdf icon; this will open a new window that you can view and subsequently download the file from.
Assumption of Risk Form
.docx file
Club Registration Form
.docx file
Junior Assumption of Risk Form
.docx file

Club Policies & Statements

To download a form, click the pdf icon; this will open a new window that you can view and subsequently download the file from.
20190701-RAFDP-Social and Recreational Privacy Notice-Issue 1V2
.docx file
Per Ardua-Club Complaints Policy
.docx file
Per Ardua-Club Constitution and Rules-Draft
.docx file
Per Ardua-Club Safeguarding Policy
.docx file
Per Ardua-Club Safeguarding Statement
.docx file
Per Ardua-Equality & Diversity Policy-Draft
.docx file
Per Ardua-Health & Safety Statement-Draft
.docx file
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