History of Tang Soo Do

Early Years of Tang Soo Do

The exact origin of Tang Soo Do, as well as all other martial arts, is obscure, although there are several historical theories. The most traditional view is that martial arts did not originate in any one country but evolved in all parts of the globe as a method of self-defence that was needed by primitive people.

The ancestral art of Korean Tang Soo Do can be traced back to the period when Korea was divided into three kingdoms:

1. Silla Dynasty was founded in 57 BC in the southeast peninsula.
2. Koguryo was founded in 37 BC in northern Korea.
3. Paekche was founded in 18 BC.

Finally, after a long series of wars, the Silla Dynasty united the three kingdoms in 668 AD. During this period, the primitive martial arts were very popular as a method of self-defence in warfare. This is evidence in the many mural paintings, ruins, and remains, which depict Tang Soo Do in those days.

Among the three kingdoms, the Silla Dynasty was most famous for its development of martial arts. A corps composed of a group of young aristocrats who were called "Hwa Rang Dan" was the major force behind the development of the art. These warriors were instrumental in unifying the Korean peninsula under the new Silla Dynasty (668 AD - 935 AD). Many of the early leaders of that dynasty were originally members of the Hwa Rang Dan. Most Korean martial arts trace their spiritual and technical heritage to this group. In fact, the names of some martial arts such as Hwa Rang Do or Hwa Soo Do, still reflect this origination.

Medieval Development

The united Silla Kingdom was ultimately overthrown by a warlord, Wang Kun, in 918 AD. The new kingdom, "Koryo", lasted for 475 years (918 AD - 1392 AD). In 1392, the Yi Dynasty successes the Koryo kingdom. The Yi Dynasty remained intact for 500 years.

During the 1000-year period of the Koryo Kingdom and the Yi Dynasty, what we today know as Tang Soo Do was increasingly popular with the military. More importantly however, the art also became very popular. During this period, Tang Soo Do was referred to as Kwon Bop, Tae Kyun, Soo Bahk, Tang Soo and others.

The first complete martial arts book was written at this time. This most important book is called "Mooyae Dobo Tangji". It was written in 1790 and contained illustrations that substantiated the theory that Tang Soo Do (formally called "Soo Bahk Ki") had quickly developed into a very sophisticated art of combat techniques.

Modern History

The occupation of Korea by the Japanese military regime took place from 1909 to 1945. During this period , practicing and teaching of any martial arts was restricted in Korea. After World War II in 1945, this restriction was lifted. Several martial arts training schools were soon erected:

1. Moo Duk Kwan (us) - Hwang Kee
2. Chi Do Kwan - Kwai Byung, Yun
3. Chung Do Kwan - Kuk Sung, Son
4. Song Moo Kwan - Byung Jik, No
5. Chang Moo Kwan - Nam Suk, Lee
6. Yun Moo Kwan - Sang Sup, Chun

These founders started to organise their own groups respectively, and Master Hwang Kee organized the Korean Soo Bahk Do Association in November 9, 1945.

In addition to the Soo Bahk Do Association in Korea, there were various other types of martial arts call "Kong Soo" or "Tae Soo". In 1965, all of these various systems united into one organization, called the "Korean Tae Kwon Do Association." The art was uniformly called "Tae Kwon Do.” As a Korean national sport, Tae Kwon Do initiated a new era. Instructors were dispatched throughout the world and international tournaments were held. In those days, Tang Soo Do and Tae Kwon Do were divided in principle, with Tang Soo Do striving to remain as a traditional martial art, while Tae Kwon Do held its world games and sports.


Our Tang So Do club is a member of the European Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do Federation (EMTF). The EMTF works together with all traditional European Tang Soo Do organisations, on the basis of mutual respect, honesty and the thirst for knowledge. The key goal is to allow all dojangs, societies and clubs an umbrella organisation allowing them the opportunity of dedicating themselves to preserving, perpetuating and promoting traditional ‘Tang Soo Do’ and to further its development and growth in line with the original and full concepts of KJN Th. P. Salm. In addition, members should be allowed the open practice of traditional Tang Soo Do without any demands. There is no one person dictating to the members and they decide how much or how little they wish to participate, without any obligations.

The EMTF was founded by Grandmaster Th. P. Salm, is directly linked to the Worldwide Tang Soo Do Family and stands for mutual humility, respect, co-operation and openness that allows a fertile environment for all members to grow. Continued co-operation within members leads to the exchange of knowledge and offers member schools the opportunity to further develop their own style and learn from the experience of others. The EMTF can act as an umbrella organisation that may help and support development and open communication between member schools. With regular seminars and tournaments both locally and internationally the EMTF can facilitate continued growth.

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