Frequently Asked Questions

What is Tang Soo Do?

This is a Korean Karate. While you are learning our techniques for self-defence, you will also be increasing flexibility, strength, memory, and coordination. Our system includes cardiovascular aerobic exercise for the heart and lungs which also helps you to lose weight. Don't worry about your age, or present physical condition. We all start with what we can do. Our class improves patience, respect, mental clarity, concentration, self-discipline, control, and confidence. Giving everyone a strong healthy body with good coordination.

What do I need to bring to my first class, and what can I expect?

Wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring a drink. Your first class is free! Expect a warm, friendly welcome and to work up a good sweat! Your first class will consist of a warm-up, a mixture of punching and kicking drills, self-defence and forms.

What costs are involved?

If you think there is an error in the costs, contact Sbn Alan

Item Waddington Witham
Cost Per Month £7.50 (1 monthly membership) £20.00 (£5.00 for 4 classes)

£12.50 for 2 monthly memberships

£15.00 for 3 monthly memberships

£4.50 per lesson for 2 students

£15.00 for juniors (<= size 3)

£20.00 for seniors (>= size 4)


Uniforms for Tang Soo Do will need to be purchased only if students want to participate in gradings (white top, black bottoms, belt and badge); these can either be purchased through the club or sourced privately.


All gradings, apart from black, cost £15. There will be 3 gradings per year, near the end of term 2 (Christmas), 4 (Easter) and 6 (Summer). However, students can't go for a grading unless recommended by the class instructors.

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